About Me

About Kimberly Laughlin-Editor and Graphic Designer

Document Editor, Book Editor, Proofreader, Resume Writer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Content Writer, and Copywriter

About the Editor, Proofreader, Copy Editor, Copy Formatter, Resume Writer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Copywriter

I am the sole proprietor of PEN in HAND Services, which includes the following four divisions:

My Special Accomplishments:

I was born and raised in beautiful Colorado...

Pikes Peak behind Garden of the Gods

Colorado Springs, CO

I now live and work remotely in Saint Petersburg, FL.

I wrote and designed this because it is why I sleep well at night.

My Timeline (click to view):

After growing up in Colorado and having two children:

 - I ended up living in Oklahoma for about ten years with my children, until they each found a spouse and moved to another state.

 - I then moved to Florida in 2019 to live with my sister. She had lost her husband, who passed away a year before that.

 - COVID came along, so I had already lost the first job I got here, but a few months later, I went back to waiting tables, which I always loved, because I love waiting on people.

 - I ended up deciding I wanted to do so much more—work from home and use my skills to do something more rewarding by helping whomever I could with those skills. I learned about a proofreading course I could take that intrigued me because I always thought I could be an EDITOR.

 - Certain things in my life happened, so I had not become an editor until I took the proofreading course, passed it with flying colors, received a certificate, and then had a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to prove I could do so much more, which was:

COPY EDITING and COPY FORMATTING (My Best Editing Work) for an author getting ready to self-publish his first novel, in addition to GRAPHIC DESIGN, WEB DESIGN, and COPYWRITING (Kimberly's Graphic Designs), which I have done all myself to advertise my businesses.

What am I doing now in Saint Petersburg, Florida?

I am now a PROFESSIONAL Document and Book Editor, Resume Writer and Reviser, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Content Writer, and Copywriter, helping all sorts of people with their lives and businesses, while also being AFFORDABLE, which is very important to me, because I want to help people.

My Best Editing Review, Book Editing, Copy Editing. Copy Formatting, Proofreading

I am working extremely hard all the time, but I am loving what I do!

Like I said on my home page, you probably know the saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none," but no matter which service I am called to do, my clients praise me for my excellent work, professionalism, and caring attitude, among other things that they very much appreciate. Of course, anyone can claim all this, but all I know is that I hear it all the time, and it makes me love my job all the more.

The proof is in my client reviews and feedback posted at the end of each page.

What is most important to me?

I love my GOD, my FAMILY, and my UNITED STATES of AMERICA with ALL OF MY HEART, and I am proud to say it!!!

I am extremely patriotic, and


These are My Two Favorite Patriotic Videos:

My Value



I am CONSCIENTIOUS about providing EXCELLENT results.

I am METICULOUS and THOROUGH while also being CONSISTENT with meeting deadlines.

My clients benefit greatly from my many years of ADMINISTRATIVE, MANAGERIAL, and CUSTOMER SERVICE experience.

I work SEVEN days a week, so I am always ACCESSIBLE.

My rates do not reflect my VALUE, because I want to be an AFFORDABLE benefit to my clients.